safety tip of the week
Carbon Monoxide Alarms
New Year’s Resolution for Fire Safety
It’s not too late to add fire safety to your list of 2024 New Year’s resolutions!
When was the last time your smoke alarms were tested? The best practice is to test alarms once a month, change batteries twice a year, and replace all smoke alarms once they’re 10 years old.
Where are your carbon monoxide alarms? Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, poisonous gas. Your senses cannot detect its presence. It is important to have a CO alarm for early warning and detection. CO alarms should be tested once a month and replaced per manufacturer recommendations as the lifespan isn’t the same for all units.
Have you practiced your home fire escape plan yet this year? If you haven’t created one, now is the time to get all household members involved and prepared before an emergency happens!
What potential fire hazards are in your home that you don’t know about? We’re here to help! SBM has a free home safety challenge available to all our residents! Please visit our website, www.sbmfire.org, and scroll down to Community Programs and select Home Safety Challenge to schedule your visit today!